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A buried treasure with a ghostly guardian

(Taken from Morrison's History of Clyde, NY)

A.S. Field and David Tuttle, two of the oldest pioneers of Clyde, often related a historical episode that connected with the old Block House. It appears that in about 1820 or thereabouts, a rumor was circulated in Clyde, then a small settlement, that before the destruction of the old building a large sum of money had been buried in or near it. Several of the prominent citizens resolved to dig for the hidden treasure, and selecting the mid-night hour for such labor, they commenced their operations. Night after night had thus passed, when in the midst of the enthusiastic prosecution of the enterprise, and ugly looking object appeared to them dressed in white, and of an almost seemingly un-earthly origin. Then one of the party rushed up to the apparition with an uplifted axe and exclaimed Be ye man or devil, I'm after you! The ghost (if such was the case) made one bound and sought quarters in some underbrush nearby, and after which time was no more seen. Many people believed that the whole party became more or less frightened, inasmuch as the so-called money digging mania ceased from that very hour.

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