Friends of the Clyde Blockhouse
Clyde Blockhouse Projects
This page contains information about Blockhouse-related community projects. Some projects are underway, some are in the planning stage, and others are just ideas for the future.

Blockhouse Park Improvements
In 2017, The Village of Clyde obtained a $2,400 grant to make improvements to Blockhouse Park. These upgrades include two heavy-duty picnic tables, two barbecue grills, a trash receptacle, bike rack, and signage. The improvements will help make Blockhouse Park a more inviting and functional location for residents and visitors alike.

Replica Blockhouse Renovation
The replica Blockhouse was built in 1975-76. At over 40 years old, it is showing its age and in need of repair. It needs a new roof, some replacement logs, and new "chinking" to fill the space between the logs.
We are investigating some grant opportunities that could provide funds for rehabilitation of the structure. With some work, the Blockhouse should be a viable museum structure for many decades to come.

Roadside Marker Grant
On March 9, 2018 a grant application was submitted to the Pomeroy Foundation, for a marker for "Block House Road". This lane, near the boat launch at Lauraville Landing Park, marked the line of the old Indian trail where it crossed the Clyde River. We'll update as soon as we hear if the grant was approved.
Re-Roofing the Blockhouse
Re-roofing of the replica Clyde Blockhouse began June 25, 2018. The new roof is being donated by a local enterprise. More information to come!
Blockhouse Loop Trail
For many years, there has been a desire to complete a "Blockhouse Loop Trail", to and through Blockhouse Park. Some of these efforts are finally coming together. In the Fall of 2018, the Cornell University Design-Connect team will be designing a locally-scaled visitor center for Heritage Park, and the Blockhouse Loop. Grant money is being actively sought to complete the project.

Diorama of Sodoms Fort
LEFT: A sneak peek of a diorama being constructed by Tom Sawtelle, picturing the stockade fort as it may have looked during the French and Indian War.